SPE Student Chapter Delft

Networking between students and professionals in the field of Petroleum Engineering

SPE Student Chapter Delft (SCD) is a very active society with the focus on getting our students acquainted with the possibilities within petroleum industry. We have to manage and keep track of our mission within annually changing board members. SCD has had the leader role in the SPE Netherlands student board since it was established. This year three of our members participated in the ATCE Petrobowl competition in Denver, and an organizing committee has decided to ensure participation in this competition becomes an annual event. In addition, we contribute to the organization of the Black Tie Dinner Event which is organized annually.

Student members can always join the monthly SPE-NL lectures (every 2nd Monday of the month) and the monthly YP-NL events (every 3rd Thursday of the month). Besides attending interesting lectures, they have the chance to meet and talk to (young) professionals. This is the perfect opportunity to network and get a first glimpse of the petroleum industry.

Current SPE NL SC Delft Board 2012/2013:

Ernst Van Dalen (President)
Roozbeh Khosrokhavar (Vice President)
Durgesh Kawale (Convener)
Chris Hewson (Treasurer)
Swej Shah (Secretary)
Tom Leeftink (At Large)
